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Children experience many situations as they move through primary grades and into middle school. These activities help promote problem-solving skills. Some children prefer to draw while others prefer to talk. Please adapt these activities to your child's abilities and interests.


Being Called a Nerd

The School Bus Bully

Being an Upstander

Cyberbullying: Episode 1

Cyberbullying: Episode 2

Cyberbullying: Episode 3

Cyberbullying: Episode 4

Cyberbullying: Episode 5

Cyberbullying: Episode 6

Cyberbullying: Episode 7

Cyberbullying: Episode 8


For the adult: Discuss this with your child or teen, and write a few sentences about how one should effectively resolve this sticky situation.

For the child: Draw and write a short comic using the ideas from the discussion and words above to resolve the sticky situation.

1900 South Ave.
La Crosse, WI 54601

(608) 782-7300

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